In our company; during the job application and during the recruitment processes, and during the working period; regardless of religion, language, folk, gender, belief, political opinion, ethnicity, disability, personal thought, life preference, marital status and age, we fairly offer equal opportunities for everyone.

While our company management and employees are reaching their targets; they act according to the laws of the Republic of Turkey, according to the international laws and accordance with our company’s code of ethics.

We support all kinds of creative work in the direction of raising the satisfaction of our employees, increasing their loyalty and productivity to the company, creating an environment that allows them to develop themselves, contributing to decision-making, proposing and producing new and creative ideas, adapting to change, increasing satisfaction of customers, employees and all other parties.

We aim to create a personal “surplus value” every time.

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    Your CV File:

    Note: Your CV file can be up to 10 MB in size and only in doc, docx and pdf formats.